Burton, 4 Years Ago (#Flashback Friday)

I was browsing through my facebook photos earlier, trying to get some inspiration for this weeks Flashback Friday when I came across these. My little Burton taken exactly 4 years ago at the park enjoying a swing at the park with Grandad pushing him and me crouching on the ground in front of him, pretending he was knocking me over whenever he swung near me.  He was chuckling away as you can see quite clearly by his happy little face, finding it very funny that Mummy kept falling to the ground by the touch of his feet.

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Awwwww look at him!

That was 4 years ago,  before he celebrated his 1st brithday even.  How can that be possible? It makes me all emotional just thinking how long ago that was, and how big he is now. And yet, at the same time if does not feel like 4 years ago that he was my baby and my only child, and that small.

Mind you, it is no mistaking that is Burton. He still looks the same now and  he has not changed that much in his face really,  it is just less chubby now.

This post was brought to you as part of Flashback Friday

mummy mishaps

Remember – a flashback can be from any time whether it be yesterday, last week, last month, last year or yesteryear! It can be a flashback of your own, your children, your partner or your friends.

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