My Monkey In His Monkey Onesie (Ordinary Moments)

I do not know if my boys would have had so many photos taken of them had I not started up this blog, but I think the fact that every photo I take could be a future prompt for a blog post does encourage me to take more photos and to ensure I have taken at least one every day.Β Jenson makes me smile because if I ask him to let me take a photo of him, he happily poses for me and always says ‘cheeeeese’! Sometimes he (and Burton) asks me to take his photo and then eagerly wants to see himself on my phone.

Last week it was all about his monkey onesie, new monkey purse and dressing up hat because he spent the latter part of the week looking like an actual monkey! Burton had a Sully from Monsters Inc outfit and he also wanted to wear his every night after school too , so the pair of them have been looking extremely cute. Jenson is monkey (and Raa Raa) mad and was so thrilled to now have a complete monkey outfit and is excited because now he has his clothes sorted for his pending monkey birthday party – the one he has been planning since after his Raa Raa The Noisy Lion one last year! He wants his guests to come dressed as a monkey you see, and tells people all the time about his monkey party!!

He asked me to take this photo of him – funny that among all the monkeyness of his outfit he has his Gruffalo Child slippers on! Unfortunately, he is not modelling his monkey hat – it was making him “too hot” so he refused to put it back on for me to take his photo. But his beloved monkey is laying next to him of course πŸ™‚IMG_9754Just a silly and very ordinary moment taken before bedtime last week.Β I cannot believe that this little monkey of mine will be 3 this year and in only 3 months time too. Pre school is not far away now either and it feels like my time as a full time SAHM is slipping away now, and soon it will be time to go out and find a job. I am happy that Jenson is such an out going and socialable little boy who I am sure will settle into pre school life quite easily. However, Β I am sad that soon he will be heading off without me and in the space of 10 months I will have gone from having 2 boys mostly at home with me to one at school and one at pre school.

Time, please, please slow down.



  1. Such a cute pic! Got to love a onesie. I totally agree on the time front too: slow down! My girl will be 3 in 3mths too and I can’t believe preschool is around the corner. Toddler days are long left behind and they’re strolling into preschooler territory. Eeek!

  2. Hang on, what?? Three?? Are you sure? lol

    I am seriously losing the plot, I was reading that thinking he would be turning two, but then realised that Louka is two this year. AARGH! πŸ˜‰

    I love the fact he has been planning his birthday party – wonder where he gets that from!

  3. I love it Jenny, such an adorable pic and i want a monkey onesie!
    Don’t even talk to me about time going so fast its scary, I still can’t believe F will be at School this year argh! x

  4. Aw he looks so adorable and that onesie looks so comfy. At least your boys pose some of the time, it’s impossible to get Mads to even look at the camera at the moment. Doesn’t she know I gave blog posts to write?, πŸ˜‰

  5. Its funny reading your post, my daughter turned 8 this weekend and I’m noticing how she’s changing and growing up in a little lady. Funny how certain moments make you think especially being a parent.

  6. ahhh that little onesie is so so cute! A really lovely ‘ordinary moment’

    Its pretty much always too hot for them here which kind of breaks my heart a little bit since kids are just so gorgeous in them!!! When we go back to the UK to visit in the summer I will be pretty much exclusively dressing Arthur in them to get my fix!!!

  7. What a sweet moment to capture! I love this age (my youngest just turned three a couple of weeks ago) so much. They’re so funny. And knowing that they’ll start nursery soon, sure makes you appreciate it even more.

  8. Gorgeous, I love his cheeky grin! I think I’m encouraged to take more photos now I blog, that’s why I’m trying to keep on top of it even with the twins so I have something to look back on! xx

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