1. Awww, this is us! I hadn’t realised that The Boy had outgrown The Night Garden until you’ve said it above, but he has. It’s all about the pig now. Glad Jenson and Burton (and you) had fun earlier!

    • Burton hasnt really been into it for a while as its all about PP , Ben & Holly or MIckey Mouse clubhouse at the moment! although funnily enough, last night there was an advert for some new ITNG toys and he asked if he could have them lol
      thanks for linking up x x

  2. emsyjo

    Never seen Peppa Pig here but it does seem very popular. I’d still love to take Leo to see Thomas, even now he would love it. I remember those original posts you wrote about him meeting Iggle Piggle!

    • Emma! i cannot believe you have never seen Peppa Pig!!! Would you like a DVD??? I hope Leo gets to meet Thomas one day before he moves onto another hero x x

  3. Aww lovely! I love Peppa Pig! I can’t wait for our trip to Disneyland so Miss C can meet her favourite Princesses, Rapunzel and Merida. x

  4. Notmyyearoff

    Awwww looks a really day out. Its sooo nice to see little kids completely in awe when they meet their favourite characters. We had the same when Little Z saw Iggle Piggle, he was completely star struck!

  5. Ah – Peanut is 16 months old and loves ITNG, with Iggle Piggle and the singing birds his favourite. He always does this funny dance and flaps his arms – hilarious. We all watch it together every eve – part of the bedtime routine x

  6. awww what a lovely post Jenny, My little man has been an ITNG fan but has also just discovered Peppa Pig .. its amazing how they grow and change isnt it.

    Thanks so much for linking up with #MagicMoments

    P.s LOVING the new site 🙂

  7. Aww that’s lovely! I love how as you say have that innocence and want to meet their favourite characters. Your photos are beautiful, I love the ones of him in the boot reading his book – so cute! We haven’t got to the stage that the little one has a favourite show but I hope she is like your boys. I remember when I was young meeting Mickey Mouse in Disney for the first time and it being magical…I hope they all keep the innocence and belief in such things for a long long time x

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