1. eehbahmum

    Really lovely moments captured in words and beautiful pictures too. first thing I’ve read this morning and am starting the day all warm and fuzzy!

  2. Awww brought a tear to my eye – I love your mother son relationships. He really is growing fast. Can’t wait to see what you get up to with your time together.

  3. Jennypaulin

    he is growing toooo fast!! thank you – i am wondering how we will spend our time too x

  4. Lauren_W

    This is gorgeous Jenny. He does sound like such a fantastic little boy. I hope I get to meet him one day xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    thank you Lauren i have a feeling he and Harry would have a blast together!! and i want you to meet him (and B ) one day – we need to get you down to Somerset x x x

  6. Tas D

    Hehe awwww he is so fun loving and sounds a very sweet little boy. Love the boobies and cleaning up thing, sounds so cute. My z is just like this declares that mine are squishy. Constantly!!

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