1. I love that his favourite fruit is grapes, but his favourite snack is bananas! And what happened to pasta bolognese being his favourite lunch?! Fab singing, and I love that Madagascar is that memorable that he knows its name 😉

    He’s too cute, such a fabulous boy.

  2. Jennypaulin

    ha ha i know! i was expecting brioche or babybel for snacks and pasta bolognese for sure (for lunch)! honestly, not the interview i was expecting at all x

  3. Lauren_W

    Oh my goodness he is SO grown up now. His “thinking face” is so cute, the way he pulls his mouth to one side. Such a gorgeous boy. x

  4. Oh he is SO ready for school! I just knew that toy from McDonalds would be his favourite toy haha. And don’t blame him for saying Grandma’s for a sleep over after playing with that fab slide and in their warm pool. :O)

  5. aww he is a lovely boy Jenny & has changed so much since we last saw him. He’s going to love school, he’s so ready x

  6. Notmyyearoff

    Lovely lovely video!! I remember watching the last one, he’s grown so much and is so articulate. Wow, can’t believe it’s rem a year since then 🙂

  7. stressymummy

    Aw he is so adorable and I love tr way he says blackcurrant! He did very well to answer all those questions

  8. Ruth's all sorts

    Great answers! I’ll have to do this with my toddler when he turns 3 🙂

  9. Sarah @apartyofseven

    ah he is so good to sit and answer so sweetly as well. mine would be off!

  10. actuallymummy

    I remember that interview! That can’t have been a year ago already! Did he say his favourite TV programme was Deal or No Deal???

  11. Jennypaulin

    he has changed a lot since you last met him – he can talk for one thing!! never stops!!! thank you x

  12. Jennypaulin

    he has changed a lot since last years video – amazing when you look back exactly how much in fact x

  13. Jennypaulin

    I know i cannot belive it either Helen – lol no his favourite programme is Room On The Broom x

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