1. Lauren_W

    Oh Jenny pass the tissues. This is so beautiful. What a handsome boy he is.

    He really sounds like a wonderful little boy, and a real character. I’m not surprised you are clearly beaming with pride.

    Happy 4th Birthday Burton xx

  2. Notmyyearoff

    Ahhh lovely lovely post – this is how I feel about z starting nursery, I seem to be struggling with the fact I’ll see him a lot less. A massive Happy Birthday to your lovely boy,

  3. Hayley

    Oh this is so lovely. He has grown up so much over the 12 months and it is obvious that he makes you so proud. What an exciting time is ahead for him but it sounds like he will take it in his stride and I’m sure he will love school. Hope you all enjoy his birthday xx

  4. Susan Mann

    Aww what a lovely post, happy birthday Burton. Such a gorgeous, happy and adventurous little boy xx

  5. Katie @mummydaddyme

    What a lovely post Jenny, and happy birthday to Burton. This year will be an exciting and daunting year for you both I am sure, but I bet he will thrive at school. Good luck to him, and what a gorgeous letter. x

  6. Bex @ The Mummy Adventure

    Happy birthday burton and I am sure him going to school will be much harder for you than him x

  7. Lucy

    This is so lovely Jenny. Happy birthday to Burton. It is lovely to see a photo for each month of his last year, you don’t notice all the subtle changes post to post, but seeing a photo for each month means I can really see how much he’s grown up and changed. x

  8. Richmond Mummy

    Wow, getting so grown up! Happy Birthday Burton, what a handsome and happy little boy you have there – well done you! X

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