1. Awwww! It is such an exciting time, but filled with so much emotion. I love the photo of you reading to Burton- it says it all. From such a teeny thing to learning to read for himself. I wish you both the best in this new chapter, and hope Burton enjoys his new beginning. x

  2. emsyjo

    ahh, I welled up at this post, especially at the baby pics as Louka is even so much bigger than that now 🙁 I know how you feel, I did it all last year( in Greek whilst pregnant and hormonal too lol) I’m sure he will be fine, although I know that is not your point – can’t believe these boys are growing up so fast!

  3. Lucy

    Oh Jenny, I suspect I will feel EXACTLY like this when it’s me in two years time. I obviously know the benefits of school, but I know I will find it weird to think he’ll be spending so much time away from me.
    I’m sure Burton will do fantastically at school. Just make sure you have tissues ready on the first day. So many of our kids at school would trot in without a backward glance leaving their parents in pieces in the playground. I always felt bad for them, but now that I ‘get it’ I feel even worse for them. x

  4. Katie @mummydaddyme

    Aw Jenny, I can completely understand how you must be feeling, as you know I feel the same about preschool let alone school. Burton seems like a wonderful little person and I am sure that he will thrive and do so well at school and you will continue to be exceptionally proud of him. That first day will be hard I am sure, in fact I know, but I am sure it will get easier. This is a lovely post completely full of love. x

  5. Hayley

    So scary for him to be making that next step, I completely understand how hard it must be for you. Lucas’ birthday is right at the end of August so he will be one of the youngest and we have to start looking at nurseries to put his name down in September he just seems way to young! Such a mix of emotions because you want them to do well and enjoy school but also wouldn’t it be lovely if they could stay with you? It will be a tough day when he starts but I’m sure that he will give you a lot to be proud of. I love that last picture of you both, you can certainly tell it is him! xx

  6. aww Jenny, lovely post. I know how you are feeling & I am feeling it a lot more this time as it’s my baby that’s starting….but as I’ve said to you, Burton will love it & it will give you some more time to spend with Jenson…although I’m sure he will miss him loads too x

  7. Awww what a lovely post. It is hard seeing your children growing up so fast especially when they reach big milestones such as starting school. Having just been there in August last year with Z, it is scary but it is also so exciting. When you see their faces lit up with excitement at the thought of starting school, it makes it a bit easier. x

  8. Lovely, lovely post! The baby pics are too precious for words! I was in exactly the same situation as you last September and I can’t believe my Little D is coming to the end of his first year at school! After the first week you will be fine and he is going to love it. Those quotes are brilliant – completely spot on and really make you think “ok, I can do this, change is a good thing!” x

  9. Karen Davidson

    Oh Jenny, this is just a lovely post and you’re not silly at all… I cry at all sorts of things and imagine I will be exactly the same (possibly worse) when my little one gets to school age. The time really does seem to fly through with them but all we can do is enjoy every moment with them. The quotes are lovely and I must remember them myself for every milestone we hit where I feel sad that she’s growing up wayyy too fast. I love that he’s such an affectionate wee boy and told you he loves you – melts my heart 🙂 Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous and definitely ones to treasure, I love the picture of you reading to him – just beautiful! x

  10. Susan Mann

    It is nerve racking for us when they go to the big school, but they love it. I dreaded L going as he was so shy and quiet and he’s come on leaps and bounds. It’s incredible to see what they can do in such a short time and they will always come running to you at the end of the day. Hugs xxx

  11. Notmyyearoff

    YES YES it makes complete sense. I feel like I’m having palpitations already just thinking about nursery and think I only want to put him in 3 days a week because I’d miss him so much! I know Burton will love school because is just so adventurous but I think I completely know how you feel. *Hugs* – If only we had a stopwatch huh?

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