1. Ahhhh, what a great flashback to such a significant time. I really like what you said about how 10 days earlier he had suddenly grown up with the arrival of his baby brother, but how looking back he still looks so small. I already feel like that when I look back at our early photos as a four. I thought my little man was suddenly so big, but he looks so young still when I look back at them. x

  2. Such cute photos of Burton but he does seem to be clinging on very tightly when he was younger 🙂 He looks so small on that tyre swing and look at him now! Lovely pictures and pretty cool to have a tyre swing for them to play on xx

  3. innocentcharmer

    How cute is tiny Burton, although he is now too, how so much can change in 2 years xxx

  4. Lauren_W

    I thought I’d already commented on this!
    Beautiful photos. I can’t believe how much he has changed! His hair especially, it’s like he’s a different boy in some ways.
    He really looks like he’s enjoying himself xx

  5. lauralouise90

    We always had a tyre swing at my nans house and I’ve got so many fond memories of playing on it. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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