1. Lauren_W

    Awwww well done Burton. He’s come so far at Ladybirds, it’s lovely to read the updates.
    I can imagine you being a very proud mummy xx

  2. Aww I can’t wait to go to Mads first nativity, funnily enough I imagined that when I thought about having children too. I love your new header too Jenny, the pictures you have chosen are gorgeous, x

  3. kelloggsville

    Oh bless them. Makes me laugh how they fiddle and shuffle and cry and…..awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  4. stressymummy

    A big awww from me! That is so lovely and he looks happy in the end. I have A’s first one next week and she is a snowman so we are looking forward to that

  5. Mammasaurus

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! We have Scamps Nativity tomorrow and I’m hoping it’ll get me in the festive mood πŸ˜€

  6. Well done Burton, a huge milestone for you! The Boy’s nursery are singing some carols tomorrow at 4.30, but they’re holding it in the *garden*! Are they mental? Unfortunately he won’t be going because he’s poorly and it’s also a ridiculous idea! Love Burton’s stripey pants πŸ˜‰

  7. Alison Pike

    Such a special moment and you’ve captured it so well.
    It’s funny how they just get on with it and it’s us that has the anxiety about whether they will join in or mess up.

  8. emsyjo

    Aahhhh, this brought tears to my eyes, this does not bode well for Leo’s play this week!!! Well done Burton, you are a star!

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