1. fromfuntomum

    I love all your scrumptious creations…can I suggest a future “I Love cake” theme? Eggless anything. I am so tempted to learn how to bake, but with the egg restriction I find it so hard. You have managed flourless and you are the queen of it so I wonder if you and your posse can show me the way. x

  2. coombemill

    Brilliant idea, I love butter beans anyway, possibly the only one who does, but the idea of making brownies with them really does appeal, I’m going to give this a go. Thanks.

  3. oneblueonepink

    Hmmm I think I may have to try this, I have awful memories of being made to eat Butter beans as a child. So I am really intrigued to see for myself that you really can’t taste them!

  4. Michelle

    What a brilliant idea! The brownies look delicious, I will have to experiment and give them a go ๐Ÿ™‚

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