1. emsyjo

    Ah great minds think alike!
    I remember reading your post at the time and thinking Leo would like to meet him. We had a ITNG stage here too, when I went back to the UK I had several episodes on my laptop and we watched it constantly for 3 weeks! I think he’d be unimpressed with it now though.

  2. Mum2BabyInsomniac

    I took Iyla to see it in Birmingham a few weeks ago and the highlight was definitely meeting Upsy Daisy afterwards, she loved it and I have to say I did too! It is so amazing to watch them meet the characters they have grown to love so much, it makes me sad to think she won’t be interested in them anymore one day! xx

  3. Allegra has recently developed a deep love for ITNG and now watches an episode most mornings and/or evenings – she loves Upsy Daisy and the Tombliboos in particular, it’s amazing how that show really captures her attention. We’ll definitely bring her to the live show next year if she’s still a fan and I’d love her to meet a character, although she did get v upset meeting Peppa at Peppa Pig World, so we’ll see…! Lovely pics of Burton 🙂 xxx

  4. Onedad3girls

    Luckily Aly was never really into ITNG which is lucky but she loved Bob the Builder but when the chance came to have a photo taken with him she screamed and ran away.

  5. What a brilliant first meet, I love that he looks like he ran to get a big hug!!! The blanket question made me chuckle, poor Iggle must have been really confused!

  6. Susan Mann

    Aww bless he is so cute. x
    PS I love the new look, don’t think I mentioned it, but it’s gorgeous x

  7. Lauren_W

    He looks so cute and tiny in these. Harry loves Iggle Piggle so would be over the moon to meet him.
    I love that he cried when they left the stage. So sweet xx

  8. Damn it I was going to do this one and the bloody week flew by before I realised it!

    It seems like only yesterday that B was that age, and now he’s a big boy! My choice would have been when The Boy met Upsy Daisy because he was beside himself with glee.

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