1. fromfuntomum

    I love that video and the photos are great! Maybe Burton will be the new Phelps…who knows!

  2. It’s so great to see children love doing something like that, and some amazing footage of Burton there! Sophia adores swimming and has been able to do it from an early age too. At 3-years-old she’s now getting some proper swimming lessons and has informed me that she wants to be a swimmer when she grows up :-). Hope Burton keeps enjoying the water as he gets older

  3. Those photos are AMAZING!! The video is lovely too, it is the same here; I am not overly keen on sport but the boys love it, which is fantastic! They love swimming too which is great as I really hate it so I have to grit my teeth when I take them!

  4. notmyearoff

    He is such a water baby – I love these shots of him. I actually wish I had that type of confidence under water!

  5. Nicola Carpenter

    Wow, that is fantastic. I wish I had done this with my middle daughter Amy. She’s very nervous around water.

  6. I just love these photos. And how impressive are his swimming skills?! I need to take my little fella to the pool more often. It’s such an important skill to have.

  7. gina caro

    Great photos. It is such a shame that we can’t take photos in the pool these days, I’d love to have some pics of mine swimming x

  8. Great post and love the video. We have one of those diving toys, the kids love it. I think it’s great if they can swim as it is such a useful life skill and really good for keeping you fit!

  9. Great post and love the video. We have one of those diving toys, the kids love it. I think it’s great if they can swim as it is such a useful life skill and really good for keeping you fit!

  10. Funky Wellies

    Absolutely fab photos! :o) He is having so much fun. My girls and I love swimming too!

  11. OMG how amazing is that. Love his googles sat on top of his head.
    Only reason I have photos in the pool is because I mentioned the “Mark Warner” challenge and my blog so they said I could as long as no-one else was around. That video was so clear too!
    Thanks for sharing on Motivtional Monday.

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