1. emsyjo

    I love the photos, esp the last one. Every morning I used to lift the curtain up before getting out of bed to see the colour of the sky and like you it would decide my mood in seconds!

  2. Erica Price

    Thought we weren’t going to see any clouds and then that last one with its lovely white clouds came up. I love a deep, clear, blue sky – it promises a nice day ahead.

  3. bluebirdsunshine

    I agree, there is nothing better than a perfect blue sky to lift my mood. Lovely pics.

  4. stressymummy

    That is all so true and photos are so much nicer with a gorgeous blue sky in the background!

  5. Jenny @justphotosbyme

    I have blue sky and beach envy – the boys look gorgeous in their sunsuits x

  6. mytwomums

    Great shots, the weather effects my moods as well. Can’t wait until our little boy is big enough to run across the beach on a sunny day.

  7. The weather can have a big influence on my mood too… I love the sun but we live in the rainy north west. If you find blue skies could you send some up? 🙂

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