1. Happy birthday Burton! It’s lovely to do the year photos as you can see how much they have changed over the 12 months. Hope he has had a lovely birthday x

  2. fabulous post Jen, you can really see where Burton has gone from a toddler to a little boy over the year. He is such an adorable little boy, I hope he enjoys reading your letters to him when he is bigger and appreciates all the hard work you have put in to each of his birthdays. The party today was fun and the food, as always, delicious! Kxxx

  3. Lauren_W

    Happy Birthday Burton. You certainly are a handsome little chap.
    Beautiful letter Jenny. *wipes tear away from face* Big hug xxxx

  4. fabulous post Jen, you can really see where Burton has gone from a toddler to a little boy over the year. He is such an adorable little boy, I hope he enjoys reading your letters to him when he is bigger and appreciates all the hard work you have put in to each of his birthdays. The party today was fun and the food, as always, delicious! Kxxx

  5. Happy Birthday Burton! Such a lovely post and gorgeous photos. I hope you had a lovely day celebrating his birthday. x

  6. Wow he’s really grown up over the last year. He is an adorable little boy and you have every right to be extremely proud of him.
    Happy 3rd Birthday Burton x

  7. we did thank you Helen and i hope you did too.
    its funny how much they change yet its not untie you see photos like this that you see how much x

  8. Thank laura we all had a lovely, if knackering, day. it is lovely to look back on their last years worth of photos to compare isn’t it? x

  9. fromfuntomum

    those 12 photos are all AMAZING! I loved this post. I’m also worried about the talking part. G sings nursery rhymes now and just won’t shut up…what am I going to do by the time she is 3?? *buys headphones on amazon*
    Happy Birthday Burton! x

  10. An absolutely beautiful post Jenny, you had me in tears. Burton is a gorgeous little boy, and I know how much joy he brings you. Happy birthday B!

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