1. emsyjo

    They look yummy, I’ve pinned this so I don’t forget to make them sometime.  It always confuses me that strawberry season is so different here.   They are at their cheapest and best in Jan / Feb!

  2. Now I no longer have to choose between cheesecake or cake ever again. I think I’ve died and gone straight to heaven! These look really scrummy, I’m printing out the recipe and heading to the shops as we speak

  3. Now I no longer have to choose between cheesecake or cake ever again. I think I’ve died and gone straight to heaven! These look really scrummy, I’m printing out the recipe and heading to the shops as we speak

  4. Now I no longer have to choose between cheesecake or cake ever again. I think I’ve died and gone straight to heaven! These look really scrummy, I’m printing out the recipe and heading to the shops as we speak

  5. Rainie Bish

    These look and sound delicious, thanks for sharing I will be giving these a try very soon

  6. ooh these look lovely Jenny! bring some for our midnight feast on Friday please! I’m going to link up my pavlova recipe but I will try & do another one this week too! x

  7. Mum2Four

    These sound absolutely divine – I’m going to share the recipe with Emilie, my cake making Daughter, in the hope that she will take the hint.

  8. How delicious are these! Love the idea of mini cheesecakes and  they would be perfect for a tea party and a birthday. My 3 little ones love cheesecake so I will give these a go and let them help me decorate, thanks for entering into One Ingredient this month too! 
    Laura@howtocookgoodfood xx

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, a virtual cup of tea and slice of cake awaits you x

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