1. HRynne

    Oh I really feel for you. I still find anything with a temp sooo frightening. Hope you all manage to relax for the next couple of days. Lily has had a viral rash for the past couple of days, they appear to be doing the rounds at the mo 🙁

  2. MummyVsWork

    Oh bless him! You all really did have a rough week. I’m glad he’s on the mend!

  3. Oh Jenny I had no idea Burton was so poorly as I havem’t been on twitter as much.  I am glad he seems to be on the mend- it is so scary and worrying when they are really poorly. x

  4. Poor little Burton and what a week you have had! I really hope he feels much, much better and that you all have a better week this week. Despite being poorly there are still some fab photos as always xxx

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