1. What a fun week! I used to love tadpole hunting! I hope Jenson is feeling better soon. It’s funny you say you notice he comes out of himself more when his brother isn’t there as Miss C was exactly the same when she was younger. Now she doesn’t care, she beats him up if he bothers her lol!

  2. It always sounds like you get so much done in the week. Its nice that the boys see their grandparents so much.
    Jenson is looking so grown up.
    I know what you mean about Jenson coming out of himself when Burton isn’t around. Harry is the same once Charles goes to bed.

  3. Those bricks look like loads of fun.  I know the feeling it is so hard when they refuse to sleep- they are so tired but won’t give in.  No fun at all.  I love Tadpole Hunting, I used to do that when I was little! x

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