1. Jennypaulin

    oooh please come back and link up, I would like to see what you create  🙂 x

  2. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    That looks yummy. I could eat some of that right now. I was going to make some jubilee cupcakes with trusty red and blue food colouring, but now I’m wondering whether to make a layer cake instead. Hmmmmm, decision decisions. X

  3. emsyjo

    Great cake!   I was thinking of doing one but I think I might actually be all ‘caked out’ this week.   Maybe I’ll try and come up with a Juiblee cheesecake or something!

  4. I didn’t know you could put beetroot in, the recipe I used in the past didn’t but I suppose there are lots of styles. Nonetheless it looks amazing; I might need to have a go!

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