1. Susan Mann

    A great round up, with the exception of the trip to A&E. So pleased Burton was better at going to ladybirds xx

  2. Oh poor Jenson, hope it’s his last pulled elbow! Love his face when he’s eating yoghurt though 🙂 Those cakes look so scrummy, makes me want to make lots of my own!

  3. I am so pleased that Burton is better going to Ladybirds- its amazing to see the transition over the weeks.  Long may it last.  I am so sorry about A and E, I missed this on twitter.  Hope he is ok now.  You take so many photos- I thought I took a lot! x

  4. Sounds like a lovely week – apart from the A&E trip (just read your other post all about it too). Poor little Jenson. Sadly it’s easily done though so don’t feel bad about it – my friend has taken her little girl to A&E with various dislocated limbs, it’s because their joints are so supple xx

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