1. Susan Mann

    I love the under water shot, it’s gorgeous. My oldest did the bungee jumping on the trampoline and loved it. xx

  2. He really is such a dare devil…Jack is such a wuss in comparison! I bet Burton will be riding that pedal bike by the summer – amazing! x

  3. Burton is far from cocky or arrogant, he is far too gorgeous, polite and sociable to be that. He is confident of his physical capabilities and I worry that The Boy is a bit too precious? I am in awe of his swimming and riding ability, will my son ever be able to do that?

  4. Jennypaulin

    Thank you, I just wouldnt want him being like,that when he is an adult. Of course The Boy will do all,these things and maybe even better than Burton, it’s just about what we as parents teach them to do isnt it? The boy is brilliant at different things . To be honest hAd I been in charge Burton wouldn’t be as good so soon as I would have been more cautious x

  5. Jennypaulin

    Thank you so do I. We had to sneak the camera into the swimming pool. Must be a boy thing
    , xx

  6. fromfuntomum

    I love love love this post about Burton! That photo of him in the water is stunning! He truly is a little action boy and what great skills to have, swimming, riding a bike, jumping in the air! When Jenson will be up to the same tricks, you and Jon will have your work cut out and your trainers at the ready! Have fun!

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