1. Lucy at Dear Beautiful Boy

    Oh my goodness!!!! I am so not looking forward to the terribly twos. And how difficult to be dealing with all that out in public with an audience. You poor thing.
    And I don’t know how new the new look is, but it’s new to me as I normally read your blog from my phone but blog is looking jolly lovely. x

  2. Ohh you have my sympathies!! Z was doing something similar at the wedding we went to in full sight of about 150 people! I ended up holding him under one arm whilst he tried to escape. And we’re not even at the terrible two stage yet.

  3. Oh you poor thing, although I love the devil pic hee hee. I was going to write a post this week about Rosie throwing her 1st temper tantrum in public at the weekend. It was awful, I looked like one of those Mums who cant control her children! 

    It does happen to us all at some point but its embarrassing and takes everything to stay to stay calm xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    Oh it’s just awful isn’t it? He has have been like,that in public.befire and I was totally unprepared for it.! Thank you for commenting xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    They are nothing to be happy about I can tell you!! They just appear from nowhere and then can subside as quickly too!
    I have just revamped my blog at the weekend – you are first person to notice and say!! I expect it’s because a lot of people comment on mobile and you wouldn’t tell from that aspect.!

  6. Jennypaulin

    Thank you it is just the pits isn’t it? Soooo embarrassing too as you look like you cannot control your children. Thank you for stopping by xx

  7. I really feel for you Jenny, we’re still thick in the throes of the terrible twos at the moment with lil miss. She’s thrown some quite amazing strops in the supermarket, and last week even lil man did it. He wanted a car.  I refused because he hadn’t been very well behaved and he spent the entire time at the checkout screaming “you’s not fishished yet mummy!!”  The worst is when they both start together, complaining that they haven’t got enough room, headbutting each other etc.  The most embarrassing was when they both started climbing out of the trolley when I was putting the shopping away and I couldn’t get them back in. I ended up dumping them both on top of the shopping in the main bit of the trolley.  I could’ve died! 

    I don’t think you could’ve done any better than you did chick, staying calm is the best thing and amazing that you managed that, especially with so many people sticking their twopence in!!  However, I would say that one thing I’ve noticed with mine that the times they behave awfully is when they’re hungry. Amazing how different they are with a bit of food to distract them! xx

  8. fromfuntomum

    OMG! Burton! G has had an afternoon of tantrums for no reason whatsoever, so I know the public ones are just a matter of time. She has already been sent out of her Monkey Music class for being a brat once! Fun times ahead, hey!  I’m trying to read the Baby Whisperer book about Toddler as I read the one about baby and offered good advice – common sense, but important to re-assess.
    If I ever finish it, I’ll tell you what to do, for now I think you did amazingly well!

    BTW, I played with Blogger so much but never managed to make all the buttons and things that you created on your blog, did you do it yourself? If so, I might ask for tips x

  9. emsyjo

    I’ve just come over from commenting on  Lauren’s new post about behaviour, what’s going on with our kids at the moment!  Shame we’re not closer together, my vote would be chuck the 3 of them in a padded room….um I mean soft play area and let them go nuts  while we eat cake   LOL

    I’m having similar issues with Leo and I think he’s realised that it’s really hard for me to pick him up now,  especially when he’s ‘fighting me’   Not looking forward to Aaron going to work this week in that respect, I’ve been spoilt having him here for 8 months!

  10. oh God Jenny, my heart was racing just reading this! I’m not sure what I would’ve done to be honest…you would think I would have lots of advice with 3 but sadly I don’t….I think mine have saved it up until they’re older….H&S have tantrums now…to be honest I usually laugh at them & that brings them around….Bumblejums on the car cd player is the best to take Sam out of his strops!
    Hopefully this was a one off for Burton

  11. MummyVsWork

    I had a toddler tantrum in Asda, i blogged about it too 😀 No advice but keep going with routine as normal 🙂

  12. Jennypaulin

    I was trying to look for this post Paula so I could pass you some sympathy too, but couldn’t see it anywhere! It is mortifying isn’t it! X

  13. Jennypaulin

    Ha ha well I do d like to tell a good old yarn!!
    I really hope it was a one off too because I don’t want t have to deal with that again in a hurry I can tell you!
    It did make me laugh that Sam enjoys the Bumblejums CD lol x

  14. Jennypaulin

    It is harder with a baby inside you or having a little one in tow when these things happen isn’t it? Ou shouldn’t be carrying Leo now hon , you must look after yourself xx

  15. If you thought that little wobbly earlier in soft-play was The Boy having a strop then you’ll be mistaken, which is why I ignored him btw. He has had a mahoosive strop before at home and I had to walk away for a second before going back and hugging him. He was so overwhelmed by it, he didn’t know what had happened.

  16. Susan Mann

    Ahh yes the terrible twos. I have to say with Lucas it was terrible threes but Tyler was definitely terrible two’s he still has a temper on him but no where near as bad tantrums. He really was a devil possessed. x

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