1. Little Tiger Press books are pretty popular here! We love Bright Stanley, there are another 2 books out and our favourite is about Little Tiger and his little sister, who loves to follow him everywhere and tries to be just like him much to his annoyance!

  2. My gosh, J looks so grown up there. Aren’t the books just so lovely and beautifully illustrated? We’re very fond of ‘Duck Says No’ in this house!

  3. Lesley Ann Rodriguez

    Kazaam kazoom!  Your boys look so much alike.

    These books look like the local ones we have.  There are lots with different stories to tell, all colorful and fun.  My son’s library is packed with them!

    from LPN Programs

  4. Michelle

    Bright Stanley has been a big hit in our house. In fact, we got it as a present when Ferne was 2 from a friend who had kids who loved it. I must say it’s a great book for that age as the pages are lovely and sparkly. I also used to like really hamming it up at the end when you think something scary is going to happen but it’s actually just his fishy friends coming to find him. Enjoy the books. 

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