1. emsyjo

    14 years!  How can it be 14 years ago!   I’d already been with Aaron 3 years (well, on and off  LOL)  Seems like a lifetime ago now.   Thank you for joining in xxx

  2. ahh I’m so glad Flashback Friday is back….
    amazing how one photo can bring back so many memories….I’m going to have to dig some oldies out for next week.
    In 1998 I bought my first house….and was driving a red Fiesta! x

  3. Jennypaulin

    Yes it’s back and starting next week there will be a prompt each week it’s over at @emsyjo ‘s blog – you should join in.
    Hmmm you comment makes me feel old! Lol x

  4. Jennypaulin

    You should join n @emsyjo is hosting it and next week she will be dong a prompt each week.
    You just bought a house? Wow ! We’re you with Matt then? X

  5. 1998? Well, I was living in the middle of the US, soon to move to California for about 6 months and entered into a HORRIBLE relationship with a HORRIBLE person. If I only knew then…eh? Wonderful Flashback Lovely! I’m so pleased Emma took this over…I just don’t have the time or the chutzpah to do it at the moment but it’s great that you all are carrying on! Mwah xx
    🙂 Karin

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