1. Fromfuntomum

    Ah ah ah ah ah ah We solved the mystery of Jordan!!!! How funny!
    Good on him for starting to enjoy himself at nursery, I hope it’ll be a little bit easier every week.

  2. Lol, I love Dawden!  It’s hard when they get upset at nursery but they do get past that stage.  They forget they ever felt that way but you remember it forever.  Dawden will be talked about when he brings his first girlfriend home (along with the baby bath pictures.)

  3. haha, glad you solved that mystery then!
    Bless him that he didn’t want to go outside – he probably thought that he would miss you coming to pick him up if he did!
    Jack cried this morning when I left him too, which shocked me…it’s so hard isn’t it

  4. I love the “Me can do it!” 🙂 It sounds like he is making so much progress and the hand holding is so sweet (although the look on J’s face kind of says …”oh ok B, why do you want to hold it ALL the way?”).  The bit where he was waiting for you made my heart jump a bit, so lovely.

  5. Susan Mann

    I love tales of Burton’s nursery trips. How cute is that photo with him holding Jenson’s hand, that is too cute? LOL re Jason that is very funny, but I would have been the same. xx

  6. Richmond Mummy

    Oh my god that photo of the boys holding hands in the car is just too cute – Jenson’s face is a picture! 🙂 x

  7. Jennypaulin

    thank you it makes me smile every time Burton holds his brothers hand and then tells me as i am driving to “look mummy” x

  8. Jennypaulin

    its so hard sometimes isn’t it? i wonder how they make out what he is saying at nursery if i am honest! x

  9. Jennypaulin

    oh no did he Helen? maybe he is feeling a little off colour and therefore more sensitive to having to go? it is VERY hard x

  10. I actually think it’s because he’s a little OCD…I usually give him a kiss, then he gives me a big hug, then he sits down…today he sat down & I kissed him – he came running after me sobbing that he didn’t have a kiss & a cuddle! x

  11. I promise you that he will get better, trust me! However, it must be a bit devastating at the moment, but he will adjust, and it’s good for him to mix in with the other children and have other adults care for him. And trust me, I know how hard it’s been to put him in, you know I do.

    Love that he was saying ‘children’.

  12. Love the fact the mystery is solved…. it took me at least a month to work it out 😀

    He will get more social as he gets used to it, it took Kayleigh a while & now she loves it 🙂

  13. caro_mad

    Bless his little cotton socks – I would have never guessed that he meant children. So cute. As all the other ones have said, it’s good for Burton and once he’s got used to going to nursery, he will cry when you pick him up because he’s having so much fun x 

  14. Jennypaulin

    neither did I which is why i  (wrongly!) assumed he meant a boys name! yes it is good for him and he will soon want to stay I am sure x

  15. Jennypaulin

    its a shame in a way as I was hoping to get some more blog mileage out of the mystery lol!! anyway you were the solver of it so thank you!!
    i am sure he will want to stay eventually – they are so young it is only natural to want to be with his mummy xx

  16. Jennypaulin

    yes I know it will eventually, they are just so young to be going out in to the big wide world (or 4 hours of it!)  and it is not surprising that he wants his mummy to be there too. i know you feel the same x
    yes it is funny isn t it, especially as he went along with the whole Jordan thing! x

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