1. It does sound like a really crappy day! However, you still sound very positive despite everything which is good going. It does sound like he’s getting used to nursery but it must be so hard leaving him. I hope the car gets sorted soon, I get so cross with myself if I damage my vehicle, it’s so frustrating!

  2. caro_mad

    Oh what a horrible day, hun. Tomorrow can only get better. I hope that Burton starts settling into nursery quickly so that it gets a bit easier for you to leave him. I can only imagine how horrible it must be for you to see him crying his eyes out x 

  3. Fromfuntomum

    OMG! What a tough day (and expensive one too). 
    I had the same when I used to leave G at the creche at the beginning, she only stays about 2 hours but was sometimes unable to settle after 25 minutes of crying and me hearing her through the wall. The lady who runs the place advised me to go 3-4 days in a row for a couple of weeks. G was much younger and found it hard to understand that mummies always come back. Perhaps Burton is a bit shocked when Monday comes and he has to go. Could you feasibly drop him another day a week too? Once things become routibe, they are much easier. G now doesn’t want to leave when I pick her up! Even if she still cries or whimper when I drop her off.
    Good on you for your 40 mins trek both way and good on Jenson for sleeping!
    Hope (and I am sure) tomorrow is a better day x

  4. Oh no 🙁  It does sound like you had a rotten day.  I can imagine how you and B both felt. Hope Jon is talking to you again soon! Sending you hugs. xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    he is enjoying it – the staff say they are seeing a marked improvement and that he is settling in better. its just the dropping off which is such a nightmare. x

  6. Jennypaulin

    it was – thanks for your comment. he isn’t yet……and has now gone to bed so we will see tomorrow. x

  7. I did feel for you yesterday, your children beige upset is awful and I’ve been there believe me! As I said yesterday I have also bumped the car when stressed so you are definitely not alone! As stupid as it sounds, maybe you need to put Burton in for two sessions, the leader from my daughter’s playgroup always said that two sessions are better as it halos them to settle in better. It also doesn’t help that he sees that you are staying with Jenson, I think at that age they don’t understand! I really hope it gets better and the car is only a car at the end of the day as long as you are ok, that’s the main thing!

    • Thank you for your comment – it waa a rubbish day indeed !! You might be right about putting B in twice a week its just that i didnt want him to do two just yet but maybe it would help him x

  8. Oh No Jenny…sometimes you just know the moment you wake up that the day is going to be crap & just gets crapper….the walk probably did you the world of good. I know only too well about crying & driving….that day my bumper suffered too! Can’t you claim on the insurance? 
    I’m glad Burton is settling more quickly at Nursery, although it’s horrid when they cry when you leave them…at least you know he is happy when he’s there…it’s probably because it’s such a long time in between sessions & I’m sure it will be a lot better once he starts going more frequently.
    Anyway today’s another day…make cake & put on a happy face 🙂

  9. I think sometimes you wake up and just know it is going to be a crappy day- I am so sorry that yours was a bad one.  I can imagine it must be heart breaking to leave Burton crying, I certainly wold be crying too.  At least you know he is happy when he is there but still it must be so hard leaving him.  Sorry Jenny for a rubbish day. xx

  10. Jennypaulin

    yes you certainly do! it was just one thing after another!! thank you for your comment – its nice to have such great blogging buddies 🙂 x

  11. Jennypaulin

    I know Helen – what a rubbish day! The walk did do me good – i actually enjoyed it but everything else was so demoralising! 
    i have made a cake tonight (Jon’s birthday tomorrow) so i will enjoy a slice tomorrow !! thank you of commenting – i have great blogging buddies x

  12. Oh Jenny! What a day.  I often leave Roo at preschool crying her eyes out and it really is heartwrenching.  I am told she settles almost immediately, but it’s still so horrid to see them sad. 

    I hope Jon has forgiven you for the car damage, these things happen xx

  13. Oh no, poor you. If it makes you feel better I drove into our garage door the other day. the kids were winding me up in the back and I lost concentration for a second.

    I hope today has been better. xx

  14. Oh no 🙁 What a crappy day. Since driving my car I have dented in the door, bumped the back and the front and scrapped the front tyre, all while parking in a multi-storey car park. Luckily my car was on a few hundred quid so I didn’t get into much trouble but maybe just cry lots until you get let off?! Although not whilst driving of course 😉 xx

  15. Jennypaulin

    it was Jess! It also means i can’t come on MOnday 🙁
    You don’t have much luck in multi storey car parks at all do you ??ooops! i did cry lots but he wasn’t swayed. he is talking to me now though – just! x

  16. Jennypaulin

    its so easily done isn’t it? yes today has been better (apart from my awful cold!) thank you x

  17. Jennypaulin

    thanks Steph – its awful levying them to cry while you walk off isn’t it? you just feel so mean but at least I know that he does calm down and enjoy himself in the end. 
    I wouldn’t say he has forgiven me, BUT he is talking to me now at least x

  18. Richmond Mummy

    Oh god, that is a crappy day, poor you!  Keep going with nursery, I think it will get easier in time.  Allegra is younger than Burton, but I know she would cry when I first would leave her (although would stop crying about a minute after I left and be fine) and now, a couple of months in, she is waving me out the door without a tear in sight and she has a great time there getting filthy in the sandpit and doing messy play with jelly and painting pictures – it’s been great for her I think, although am always very grateful for our fridays-sundays together 🙂 xx

  19. MummyVsWork

    Aww what a crappy day!

    Firstly keep going with the nursery it does get easier i promise!
    Secondly – dont worry about the car, its just a car. Whilst preganant with Ethan i managed to catch my back wheel arch on a post in the car park scrapping the whole of the wheel arch, i sat in the car sobbing whilst i rang my OH to tell him what i had done to HIIS car… it survived and we drove it as it was!

    Chin up tomorrow is another day!

  20. Susan Mann

    What a crappy day, it does get better hon. Crying is so difficult, they are fine after we go but it doesn’t help us. Huge big hugs sweetie, I feel for you xxx

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