1. Awww his new imaginary friend! Too cute. Little M doesn’t have one yet but I remember when he would talk about his classmates and I had to decode the funny pronunciations. He is getting so big. I hope they aren’t giving you too much trouble! I this year we are able to add to the family 🙂

  2. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Maria although not sure of he is imaginary or I misheard the name he gave me originally! I will be investigating!
    It will be lovely for you to have a little brother or sister for your gorgeous little blogger 🙂 good luckmwith it all xx

  3. Lindsey

    Ahhh, you and Buryon did brilliantly! It’s always harder after the first time as they realise you are going to leave them. It’s great he got over it as the day went on though 🙂 I’ll be interested to hear whether Dawden is real or not! 🙂 xx

  4. jessies_online

    aww it’s so hard when they cry..Jack did it his second week too. I do hope Burton manages to settle soon, although I did find that they seem to settle better if they go more often…Hanna never did take to nursery once a week & I had to stop in the end. Jack loves going 3 times a week & cries if it’s a non school day!
    You did well keeping it together! xx

  5. caro_mad

    Aww bless him, I would have cried. I’m such a big wimp, haha. I’m sure you only got the name wrong and if it’s an imaginative friend, who cares? They grow out of it so quickly. My sister had one LOL

  6. Susan Mann

    Well done you for staying strong, that is not an easy thing to do. I read this during the night and really felt for you. It is hard when they cry but usually once you are away they are fine. I’m so not looking forward to Tyler starting next month. You should be very proud of both of you. And loving Burton’s new friend. x

  7. Well done for staying strong sweetie, its so not easy. He will get used to it and have lots of fun! I had an imaginary friend for years and the Doctor told my Mum it was the sign of a good imagination. My parents have lots of funny stories about him x

  8. I know it must be hard and I’m waiting for the day when The Boy protests. You handled it absolutly brilliantly, I’m not sure I’d have had the strength!

  9. Jennypaulin

    thank you – it was awful i hate seeing him upset and knowing that normally it would be me cuddling and comforting him. i hope the Boy never cries for you when you leave him x

  10. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Karen. He is a lot more clingy to me at the moment I fear it may take a few nursery sessions until he settles from the outset x

  11. Jennypaulin

    thank you. i did find it hard but i know i had to leave him or he will never get used to it. x

  12. Jennypaulin

    i think its funny that he might have an imaginary friend and find it sweet! i will investigate further on monday though x

  13. Jennypaulin

    thanks Helen – it was really hard to walk away. he is being really clingy to me again at the moment and nursery hasn’t helped ! still he does enjoy it eventually so i just have to tell myself that x

  14. Jennypaulin

    thanks Lindsey, i am glad he over came it too in the end. i am definitely going to investigate “Dawden’ some more! x

  15. Aww glad it went ok. If its any help Kayleigh had what i thought was an imaginary friend called Jordan but it turned out she was trying to say children.

    It gets easier i promise 🙂

  16. Jennypaulin

    ohhhh lol i wonder if that was what he had been trying to say and because I said Jordan he said yes, we kept talking about him and so his ‘friend’ became Jordan! make sense now you have said it. i will ask him to say children tomorrow. 
    thanks Paula, i hope so because its hard x

  17. fromfuntomum

    Little Miss G cries every single time I leave her at the creche (for 2 hours), but I then spy on her through the window and see her having a great time. When I pick her up she runs away and wants to keep on playing, which tells me she likes it after all.  btw, I love that Burton has an imaginary friend, so very cute! My friend’s little 3 yr old girl has had one for months, his name is Jolly and he likes to run around naked. She tells you about it in details which I think it’s hilarious! 

  18. Jennypaulin

    oh no they really know how to tug at our heart strings don’t they? Little monkeys!!
    I think its cute too – if it imaginary or real or whether i just got the wrong end of the stick and he was talking about something completely different! 
    Your friends 3yr old and her Jolly is hilarious!! what imaginations they have x

  19. Awww his imaginary friend sounds so cute although I never thought that started so young! Hopefully next week will be easier in nursery for him. He sounds like he does enjoy it a lot once he’s settled in, it’s just parting from you that’s hard for him but I’m sure there’ll come a point where he just runs to his toys and friends.

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