1. Daisytheclothbummum

    Best of luck for tomorrow. I’m going to have to do this with my little man in a few months (he’ll be about 8 months old then) and I’m dreading it. I’m sure your little boy will be ok – I used to nursery nurse and even those children that howl when Mummy/Daddy leave are usually very happy after a relatively short while xx

  2. Jennypaulin

    thank you for commenting. you are probably right – i am sure he will be ok (fingers crosse). gosh i don’t blame you for dreading your little man going – its so sad that our time with them goes by so quickly. xx

  3. Good luck tomorrow. He will love it so much I bet!! You haven’t let him down in any way at all. He is getting older and wants to explore so much more. You are doing the right thing and I would do exactly the same. I already look at z and wonder how I would manage to give the exact same attention to a second baby and there’s just no way I’d be able to. I then think z will be old enough for friends and nursery by then. Hope it goes really well tomorrow!

  4. caro_mad

    What an exciting new milestone for Burton. I’m sure he will love nursery. It’s just us mummies who find it hard to let go. I still haven’t left Amy with anyone because I can’t bear the thought of not being with her and knowing what she is up to, so I’ll guess I’ll be a mental wreck once she’s old enough for nursery. That’s at least another 3 years away, isn’t it??? Good luck for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you x

  5. Jennypaulin

    Thank you Carolin – you are right it is me that will find it hard letting him go, but he will get so much out of it. x

  6. emsyjo

    oooh good luck to you both although I’m sure Burton won’t need it – when my Mum left me I cried my eyes out for about 5 seconds but she had to go before I stopped, she thought I was distraught all morning when apparently I had a great time!  

    I’m nervous about sending Leo particularly because they only speak to them in Greek and I worry for him, I’d love to be able to send him now before he HAS to go in September (which will be full time) but we can’t afford it. I feel bad as he’s the only one out of all his friends that doesn’t go yet.   

    • It isnt cheap – £4.30 per hour plus £1.50 for lunch but after august we will get some financial assistance. Am sure Leo isnt mussing out and just make most of the time you 2 have now before the baby appears xx

  7. Good luck this morning! I am sure that Burton will take to it like a duck to water. It sounds as if he’s already excited about it and that’s a great start. I think it is sometimes harder on us leaving them than it is on them!

  8. jessies_online

    ahh don’t feel guilty about it at all, it will be good for you both. Burton will love it. I know Jack absolutely loves going to pre-school and gets upset on the days that it’s not open & he can’t go! You have no reason to feel guilty at all, you have definitely not failed him. You are a great Mum & do loads with the boys but it gets more difficult as their needs change and they want to do different things.
    He will have a great time & it will give you chance to spend some time with Jenson too

    • Thanks Helen – they all have to do it eventually i know ! He was fine when i left him and he is prob bossing them as i type this lol!! He will get so much out of it and its only 4 hours i know! Still done it now xx

  9. Fromfuntomum

    Good for Burton, I say! Don’t feel guilty in the slightest, you are talking 4 hours a week. Little Miss G does 4-6 hours a week in a creche in 2 hours sessions (mainly 1 and half as we are always late) and she truly loves it! She is much younger than Burton, but copes fairly well with goodbyes (there is always a tear or two, but she re-settles quickly). What the creche does for her is exposing her to 3 and 4 years old whom she totally adores! She has learned to use chalks an an easel and does stuff that we could not do at home. it’s great for her. She is also exposed to a germ or a million which doesn’t help her asthma, but we are not talking all day long and it is kind of good to be amongst the common cold and what not, so that hopefully she’ll build up a little bit of resistance to these bugs. I would not send her to an all day nursery, but I think 4-6 hours a week is a great compromise. I hope Burton will love it!
    (Good luck you, it is hard to see them independent and not needing us) x

    • Thank you for commenting 🙂
      I know that children much younger go – your Miss G is a star and adaots realky well and i know it does them good and teaches them new experiences and skills. You are right – its me who needs to learn to let him go a little xx

  10. Well done, I hope it went well. Mother guilt is with us no matter what we do and the worst thing you can do is beatyourself  up over it. They will both be fine as long as you do what’s right for you 🙂

  11. Susan Mann

    It goes so fast. He will lovely nursery. It’s harder for us I feel. I hope it all went well today and hugs for mummy x

  12. I hope today went well for both you and Burton!  C has been going to nursery on a Wednesday morning since last July . We decided to send her for similar reasons to you – so she can make friends, interact with other children and to do things I don’t do at home.  

    She really enjoys going every week and I do think it’s been good for her to go.  It’s all good practice for September anyway!

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