The Christmas number one was The Flying Pickets with Only You

And I was 9 and here I am at my (maternal) grandparents in the afternoon after the present unwrapping had taken place.
I am sat on a sledge that my brother was given, which looking back seems an unusual gift to have been given seeing as though I don’t remember many times it snowed during my childhood and I especially don’t recall my brother using that sledge very much over the years. I do, however, remember the snow we had in the spring of 1991 when myself and a friend borrowed that sledge and broke it going down a field!
Anyway, back to 1983. This was the Christmas that my brother and I were given a Kodak disc camera each which were the ‘in’ camera around this time. My Dad had one already (see it around his neck in this photo)
And I think my Nanny was given one that Christmas also. My brother and I were very pleased with our new cameras and the photos I am using here are ones that he took as for some reason I have his photo album but cannot find mine (we were each given a little photo album with our cameras, mine was green and his blue). In the above photo you can just make out a Cluedo set which was mine and I still had that board until about 4 years ago when I finally got rid of it.
I also recall that my brother and I were also given Paul Daniels magic sets – and I can remember now us mastering a couple of tricks which we then demonstrated in front of our family in the evening in our own little magic show! I used to love putting on my little magic shows!
This is what my Mum looked like then –

I expect we had stayed Christmas Eve at my grandparents house and we stayed Christmas night for sure, as here I am in a camp bed in my new sleeping bag with my brothers new sleeping bag in the camp bed next to mine waiting for him to get in it.
I remember my childhood Christmases fondly and I do remember this one in particular obviously helped by the photos I expect. I can remember how excited my brother and I were when we awoke and found our Santa sacks full of presents! I also remember how it seemed to take forever until we could open our main presents, which we weren’t allowed to do until after Christmas dinner. I remember my Na (grandad) always took ages to open his presents and once my brother and I had ripped open ours in such a rush, he would always have lots still to open and I always wished I had made opening mine take longer! I think he still does take ages actually!!
Remembering back to this Christmas makes me a little sad because that ‘magic’ I felt is how I still feel now but I am no longer that 9 year old girl with her teenage and adult life ahead of her, even if I feel the same on the inside I certainly don’t look like that on the outside.
However, I will live my love of Christmas through my children, and I aim to give them the BEST Christmases I am able so they can look back at their childhood ones with fond memories when they’re grown up .
Now go and see what other Christmas nostalgia posts have been written for (photos found on google images)

Thank you xx
Ahhhhh… I must admit I do not feel the excitement that I once did. But Christmas Day is the only day of the year that I get excited about finding a satsuma in a sock!
I love the photos – I wish I had some childhood photos, sadly my mother was not one for taking any – which may explain why I take so many!
Thanks for linking up my dear – have a great Christmas if I don’t speak to you before x
Those are lovely photos, I used to have a Kodak camera when I was a bit older. Kodak was all the rage wasn’t it? My mum had had 3 kids by the time she was 29 and they didn’t have any family support, makes me wonder how they did it!!
Love your pics, you look like your mum! 🙂
Ah lovely post and made me cry too! I loved my childhood Christmasses but always wished I had a brother or sister to share it with. Great photos, I can’t believe I completely forgot about this weeks Gallery 🙁
That’s a really lovely post. It brought many memories back for me. Thank you.
awwww, just look at you, so cute ;))) @Kahanka
This was the year before I was born! You look a lot like your mum, they are great photos! xx
I love your pictures and your post – it is so lovely to have captured that Christmas from your childhood in photos. You are so right about getting to relive the magic of Christmas through our own children – it is a very special time and sadly it lasts far too short so we really should make the most of it for them and us x
Such lovely memories x
I love your post, it is brimming with enthusiasm about your childhood Christmases, a very enjoyable read. xx
looks like you all had a fab time. and your photos show how important it is to take pictures for our kids – so they can have memories like that when they grow up 🙂
Lovely post and photos. I wish I had had the chance to get some of my old photos out, but the presents won’t allow it! I have to agree with you though, before I had kids the magic of Xmas had really gone and one year I didn’t even bother with a Christmas tree. Now I can relive the magic through their eyes and it really is amazing!
What superb photos capturing the time perfectly. I was 5 and I remember asking Santa for those My Little Pony sets that came with the combs too!
oh my gosh! disc cameras! fantastic. and open your pressies slowly this weekend…. Happy Christmas hope it’s all you hope for and more X
my little pony, all the rage my girls got some that year and loved the, spent hrs brushing them. we had sledges in germany and had brilliant fun going down the ski slope ( though not much fun going back up)
Wow, I can definitely see you in that top photo; you’ve barely changed!
Love this. I’m sure I got my Little Pony’s this year. I got Little Pony stable. Ahh brings back memories. x
What wonderful memories you have – I was 10 in 1983 and I loved that Flying Pickets song – I can rememebr my Dad & I singing loudly to it when it was on the Christmas Day TOTP.