1. I share two of yours and would include Wizard if it was a top ten and not a top five.  Brilliant and as you say half of me sort of wishes it could be

  2. Theramblingpages

    Fab choices, your first 3 made my post as well, I am ashamed I forgot about old Shakey though!

  3. caro_mad

    Totally love Fairytale of New York and Ben absolutely hates it. Well, I’ll convince Amy to join in with me. Just got to come up with a child-friendly alternative to our favourite part, haha x

  4. Pogues is also on my list. Not a big fan of Mariah but I do love that song! And Wizard! How did I forget about them?! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  5. Love them all except Shakin Stevens – I just couldn’t get past the sideburns. Everyone loves the Pogues though, surely? Check out our Last Christmas (not Wham)

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