1. Cheetahsinmyshoes

    we’ll be hanging on for a while yet for decorating – mainly once term has finished and we can devote some proper attention to it!  But we’ll be making decorations from, errr, about, well, tomorrow!  Now mine are bigger we can do some ‘proper’ crafting and I am really looking forward to it!  School has a “decorating day” next Tuesday and to be honest, there is so much end of term stuff going on it will be nice to save our family decorations for when we’re together, as a family!

  2. Ella

    We put our tree up in the week before Christmas. Mainly because if I put it up any sooner I am sick of it by boxing day and I like to keep it up till Jan 6th. Lovely tree btw,

  3. Jennypaulin

    Thanks you that was the one we had last year – I loved its shape it looked a bit oriental. Haven’t got one for this yea yet xx

  4. Your tree looks lovely. I put my tree and decorations up yesterday, only because when I was getting the loft insulated I brought it down. And since it was down the boys kept asking for it to go up. I was off yesterday and thought no time like the present and did it. Normally I don’t put it up in November but I didn’t switch the lights on until today x

  5. 1st of December or 1st weekend in December here! Saturday night we are doing it (decorations, not ‘IT’) this year.
    We bought loads of new decorations last year so I can’t wait to put those out.
    We used to have a real tree but have now gone for a simple artificial tree. I still love real trees but we found them too high maintainance in the end…and it encouraged that cats to pee on our presents!! xx

  6. 1978rebecca

    I agree that it’s personal choice. I love Christmas too but I know if I do it too soon I lose some of the excitement once Christmas comes. I only like the decorations up for a few weeks as well as the house starts to gt all messy. I can understand people wanting them up earlier though November is too soon for me.

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