1. Lovely post! I also regret not blogging through my pregnancy and first year of G’s life (but that first year is a mess, isn’t it?), but at least one day she’ll have more than a few scraps of paper detailing her height, weight and when she started to crawl. 
    Pimping yourself on twitter is a bit cringy sometimes, but when people do and I read their posts, I generally discover new things so I am hoping my followers do the same with my tweets. I also love the feeling of a retweet or mention, it feels like a recognition especially through this hard months of NaBloPoMo when I wish I had more time to read all the other beautiful blogs that are out there.
    Thanks for doing this and keep it up.

  2. sarahdazjc

    what a lovely intresting post 🙂 I think when you are happy with your blog and blog the way you want to then your stats and comments n what not will naturally rise 🙂 and comments are always lovely although no real guarentee that your post is great, as long as your happy with your blog then thats the main thing 🙂

  3. Ahhh, what a lovely post! It’s so nice to see how you have grown in confidence. And there was me thinking you were always full of confidence anyway! I didn’t realise you were so ‘new’ when I started reading your blog, but it is one of my favourites and since I’ve moved from the UK, one of only a few UK Mum blogs I still follow :/ (shhhh, don’t tell the others!). x

  4. It’s good to take time to reflect. I enjoyed this post and agreed with so much of it. I think it takes time to find your blogging feet, direction, confidence – call it whatever. It has been and I’ve enjoyed learning and growing.  To a point where I am probably as a similar point to you and yes, I am still secret too. 

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