1. Katie Bailey

    I have no idea what I’d do without baby wipes, I also give them to the TTs for cleaning! I even use them for cleaning stains off the carpet (although the fact that they’re so good at that makes me wonder whether I should be using them on the kids!)
    I’m pretty sure I remember my mum carrying around damp flannels in a food bag when we were little, that’s how they must have rolled back then.

  2. I‘m an addict. Baby is currently playing with a pack because he loves the crinkly sound of the plastic. I use them for dusting since they actually pick up the dust and I clean up spills in the kitchen with them. My mum doesn‘t understand the love, says she‘s going to buy me cleaning cloths and dusters for xmas.

  3. Now C isn’t in nappies anymore and I don’t have to carry about an enormous bag with everything in I do quite often feel  a bit lost without my baby wipes.

    We still have them at home but I tend to use them more for cleaning my leather sofa with nowadays!

  4. I’m so with you on that, I honestly don’t know how I survived without baby wipes, I use them for everything, not just on my children, they even get limescale off taps! x

  5. You’re right, they’re not biodegradable. I have about 20 coloured flannels that I use to wipe my kids after meal times, and yes I use dishcloths to clean the highchair and table. I keep my flannels in the kitchen and it’s really no harder than getting a wipe out. It’s probably cheaper in the long run too. I do use baby wipes for nappy changing, but I’ve never heard of toddler wipes. You can buy reusable baby wipes, you take a few out in an airtight container and people use a drop of tea tree oil in the water to make them antibacterial. I’ve never done that but I imagine it appeals to people using cloth nappies. 

    I do use antibacterial wipes in the kitchen and bathroom but I’m trying to cut down and use proper cleaning cloths more because of the environmental impact. 

  6. I must admit they are useful for everything. Before having children I always used them on my leather sofa, required even more once baby sick and milk were deposited over it several times a day! I promised myself I would never spit on a tissue and wipe it all over my girls faces and so far never have xx

  7. They are amazing!!! I use them for cleaning the carpet, sofa. Floorboards. Sick off various places, the car seat and for the first time the other day I used it to remove all my make up at 1am shortly before collapsing into bed!

  8. Rollercoaster Mum

    I have to admit to still having baby wipes in the house despite not having any children in nappies. Still use them for days out and also good for cleaning stuff around the house!

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