1. emsyjo

    ah, yet again we’ve both posted drunken, fancy dress flashbacks!   Think we might start getting talked about  lol

  2. Looks like you had tons of fun! I still like fancy dress parties, luckily they are popular in Germany around Carnival, cannot wait for the next one!
    Pity we cannot see THAT dress properly! And I love the customised Madonna outfit. xx

  3. You helped me to remember a few of my University “fancy dress” parties as well. How I wish I had those pictures! 😉 Thanks for taking part again lovely…you never cease to amuse me with your entries! 😉


  4. milkchic

    Classic 🙂 Loving those cones – next time someone asks me for breastfeeding friendly 80s fancy dress, I’m suggesting a nursing vest with elasticated cone bra – perfect accessible clothing ;p

  5. Jennypaulin

    hee hee they would work especially if you can get your milk out through them – save on painful nipples!!! thanks for commenting x

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