1. Agree, agree and agree some more.
    When I was young(!!) we were more than happy to go outside and play in the alley and “the square” as well called it and make up our own games and entertain ourselves. We felt no need to have to go and damage cars or property or businesses. Then as we got older, although I was a bore so am mostly referring to my brother and his friends now, we would hang out at a certain persons house each weekend and drink etc.
    One of my biggest fears is that one or both of my sons take the wrong path and end up a trouble maker. It would break my heart. We are sensible parents and were both brought up well and hope to do the same with our children BUT I think we can only do so much. If they get in the wrong crowd at school then theres not a huge amount we can do.

  2. I’ve seen that programme and my god they need a good clip round the ear. I just don’t get why some kids today are so bitter and thick. One hoodie actually said he was looting because of the taxes. He was a teen!! What taxes! Mental

  3. Minty aka waterbirthplease

    Ha ha! Brilliant rant! There are a lot of lazy sods out there and it does make you want to give them a reet good kick up the ricker! As someone who works with 12-17’s however, I still think that the bad uns are a minority. The teenage angst usually dies off and a lot of teens are decent if you give them your time – sadly that doesn’t make good TV! But please keep ranting cause it makes me laugh 😀 x

  4. I completely agree with you! As a teacher, it drives me mad that the children nowadays have no respect for authority, and it’s starting younger and younger. Now with all the bureaucracy that there is, they have no fear of authority, in fact it is the authorities who are in fear of them.

    Blaming the Government is ignorant; our parents, grandparents, or even just us didn’t have these ‘young people’s services’ that they harp on about. Work in school, get good grades and get a job; that is the way to improve their life, not through a hand out.

    Oh, you’ve got me started now!

    Thanks for linking up to ShowOff ShowCase.

  5. There are so many opportunities for young people now that there is absolutely no excuse for such appealing behaviour. The small village where I play golf has had loads of lottery funding and built new sports and play areas for the kids, yet we have had problems with them jumping the fences and vandalising the course. They are not bored as is always the excuse. Where exactly do the parents think they are?

    I agree – good rant!

  6. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s all about respect. An increasing number of people in this country seem to have no respect for their neighbours, for mankind in general.

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