1. Frankie Parker

    Oh so true, especially the washing.. always doing washing then folding, then ironing….Arggghhh…..

  2. Crystal Jigsaw

    This is such a great post. Why is poo so interesting when you’re a parent?!

    CJ xx

  3. ha ha! I love them all. I thought of similar to 1, 3 and 4 after I posted my list and it wouldn’t let me re-edit.

    Thanks for linking to my blog xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    Thank you! I know poo does become a topic often up for discussion doesnt it?? Thanks for visiting xx

  5. Jennypaulin

    I hate ironing and don’t do it – only exception is once a week when OH needs his work shirt doing as he goes out to a meeting very tuesday! X

  6. Chi Bibi

    Brilliant! I started a similar post to this a while ago and never posted it. Its nice to know we are not alone in our quest for sleep and an empty washing basket!

    Love your new header too xx

  7. I think you know you’re a mummy when faced with any realisation that your standards have dropped. Take last night in bed, I rolled onto something warm and wet after a nightfeed and just thought “oh that must be baby sick” but didn’t bother to do anything about it. Vile.

  8. Ha ha “that was a nice poo”. Yes, you are definitely a Mummy now. Was just writing a similar post and realised this is a well trodden path. Have tagged you. Loved your list.

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