1. Ahh, he does look so grown up, how cute! I took T to the barber shop the other day too. He cried, a LOT. Then took the lollipop, waved goodbye and has talked about what a great time he had ever since! I do wonder what goes on in his head sometimes… 🙂 x

  2. I remember when Wee Z had his curly locks all cut off. He went from looking like a baby boy to a young boy in a few clicks of the scissors (and a buzz from the trimmers lol!) What a difference indeed. Though Burton still has that same cheeky smile lol

  3. :-O How could you cut off [get someone else to] those gorgeous curls?? *weep*
    He does look so grown up and as gorgeous as ever.
    Charles always gets a lolly whenever he sits in the barbers seat. They race and see if the barber can finish cutting his hair before the lolly has gone! xx

  4. jessies_online

    I can’t believe he has gone this long without a haircut, I think Jack would be like a hippy now if he hadn’t had a cut!
    I love a big boy haircut but they do grow up so fast once they’ve had it – Jack was around 7 months, it made him look so old but I did still love it.
    Burton looks very cute with his big boy cut

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