1. I think it is a lovely picture, but then I am a snapaholic! Sometimes is isn’t about the art it is more about the memory and that is what this week was all about! x

  2. jfb57

    These sibs photos are always so touching. They will be embarrassed about them in years to come but it is fab! 

  3. I love pictures of kids interacting. I have heaps of mine with each new baby that came along and love looking back at them.

  4. This is so perfect. Really adorable.
    If I didn’t have my  two boys I’d be so jealous.
    The smothering kisses are sweet aren’t they but always leave me in such a panic and Charles doesnt know what he’s done wrong!

    We both used ‘melts my heart’ in our Gallery posts today 🙂

  5. Sibling moments are lovely, especially when they are being super cute and nice to each other. I’d like to tell you it stays like that as they get into toddlerhood…but it doesn’t lol. My 2 can fight like cat and dog sometimes.

  6. Love your words and thoughts on reflection of this photograph. It’s definitely one of those you’ll look back on, as will your children, as one of those ‘special moments’ in time 🙂

  7. Lovely and so pleased to you already realise there will be sibling squabbles to come at which point you can flash this pic and say “I know you love each other really”

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