1. Absolutely lovely! What a wonderful year it has been for you and MAHOOSIVE contgrats to you for losing 2 stone! Crikey! I’ll need that sort of help next year! Glad to have you back for Flashback Friday lovely…you were missed! 😉


  2. Ahhhhh lovely memories, ok maybe the bankruptcy isn’t a lovely memory [other than now having no debts]
    I love the photo, the dress is gorgeous.

    And what products do you use on your hair?? It always looks so healthy and shiny…I’m incredibly jealous!

  3. Frankie Parker

    it is a cinche but it is amazing what a difference a year makes.  Things always work themselves out…

  4. I always love to look back and trace a year as I’m amazed at just how much we all accomplish. in fact when I look back my thoughts are very much – ‘Wow did I really do all that?’
    great Flashback

  5. emsyjo

    It would have been about a year ago that I ‘met’ you. We started blogging about the same time (well I started the year before but no-one read it then!)   Good flashback and glad you are in a better position now.xx

  6. @somethingblue_2

    I am so glad that everything turned out well for you and that you have truly had a fresh start. Great post x

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