1. OMG!!!! What a flashback! That made me laugh! And you did look rather gorgeous! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for brightening my Friday, as usual! πŸ˜‰


  2. I just can’t stop laughing! Β I’ve done some things which I’ve needed to be reminded of the next day – but… NOT like this πŸ˜€
    And… beautiful pictures x

  3. Noooooo Jenny! What a nightmare but so funny!! I’ve just woken Harry up by laughing a bit too loud.
    Lovely photos, you’re very pretty and I love your shiny hair x

  4. Noooooo Jenny! What a nightmare but so funny!! I’ve just woken Harry up by laughing a bit too loud.
    Lovely photos, you’re very pretty and I love your shiny hair x

  5. Jennypaulin

    Oh dear poor Harry , glad I made yo laugh! It was funny but ever so slightly embarrassing!! Xx

  6. Hahaha…What a funny story! I must admit Ive had quite a few nights in the past that I cant explain, lol frustrating when you cant remember isn’t it. love the photo’s, you look stunning x

  7. Michelle Ashmore

    You look beautiful in the photos πŸ™‚Β Thanks for putting a smile on my face! xx

  8. jessies_online

    how funny….and how very bizarre! It doesn’t bear (bare!! haha) thinking about how you got into the room & if anyone was around whilst you were doing so!
    Burton is the absolute spitting image of his Dad!

  9. That’s hysterical, oh Jenny that’s such a you thing to do! Thank goodness you were looking good so that the towel look worked in your favour. And I love that hairstyle.

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