1. caro_mad

    Oh don’t worry, hun. He will soon catch up. Every child is individual. OH’s nephew is 25 months and he can’t say a single word. He doesn’t even produce sounds or uses signing… x

  2. Jennypaulin

    Thanks Carolin, that a makes me feel better. I don’t worry too much because I know he isn’t stupid but I thought he would be making better progress now xx

  3. I think they say that all children catch up and are at the same level by the age of three.  If you were worried you could contact your local GP/ Health Visitor but try not to worry too much.  They do all progress at different stages 🙂 xx

  4. Jennypaulin

    Thank you. I don’t worry all the time about it, but just wondered if it was anything to worry about! X

  5. I saw a friend and her boy yesterday and his language is pretty similar to Burton’s – he’s over two and a half so it’s true that there is a great deviation from the ‘norm’. I agree about seeing your GP though, maybe he can refer you to a speech therapist to set your mind at ease. I’d give him a bit longer though, he’s still a baby really 🙂 xx

  6. Jennypaulin

    Thanks for your comment Lindsey. I think I will see what happens over the next couple of months and if no change I will ask Doc or HV just to reassure myself that his speech development is ok xx

  7. caro_mad

    Maybe he is just lazy. My friend told me that her sister hardly spoke until she was four but all of a sudden she started and everyone was shocked how many words she had picked up without them knowing. Apparently, she’s a right little chatter box now LOL x

  8. jessies_online

    They do all develop at different rates but if you are worried I would speak to your HV, it sounds as though he understands a lot though. I have a friend who is excellent if you want a professional opinion – her name is Libby & she is very approachable – you will find her at http://www.smarttalkersblog.com/
    I’m sure he will catch up in his own good time

  9. I wouldn’t be worried at all. As you say I think its well known that boys tend to be slower at speech than girls.
    We’ve been lucky with Charles in that his speech developed quite early on. [I’m trying to word this so that its not in a boasty competitive “my son is better than yours” kind of way because I’m not saying that at all xxx]
    I think this is because I MADE him talk. I realised early on that if he pointed to something and grunted I would immediately get said item, or if he held his arms up and made a noise I would pick him up. So I would make him say “up” before I picked him up, or “juice” [whatever word he would use] if he wanted a drink and so on. At times it did seem a bit mean and harsh and he’d get a bit wound up so I tried not to let it get that far, by that I mean I’d give him X amount of “chances” to say the word before I gave him whatever he wanted. We found this worked really well for us and as a result we can have a full conversation with him now at 25 months. We found his girl friend who is 2 months younger than hims speech was at times at the same level as his but he understood what everything meant whereas she didn’t.
    The health visitor did say it was quite rare for a boy to have such good speech as Charles.
    Another friend of mines son is 2 at the end of August, he doesn’t say much at all and you can tell he gets frustrated about it. She has been to see her HV who referred he to a speech therapist but they’ve said they can’t do anything until he’s 2. So its worth speaking to your HV for a referral if you are worried.
    From what you have said though Burton doesn’t sound or seem frustrated? [other than when he is with other children]

    I’m sure within no matter of time you will be writing a post asking how on earth you can stop him from talking so much 🙂 xxx

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