1. Ahhh, great story Jenny! It’s amazing how long labour lasts when you include all of the early ‘pre’ labour contractions (which do take your breath away!). You did a fab job, I’m so glad you posted this ๐Ÿ™‚ ย xxxx

    PS. I love your new blog header!!!

  2. Lauren

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Loved reading it. I’m not surprised you were fed up and tired in the end.

    Love the photos too. You look great for someone who’s just given birth!! xxx

  3. Ahhhh, the birth of Burton Tucker …. what a fantastic blog Jen, brings tears to my eyes remembering events, what an amazing day and night.ย  You were amazing and you were funny …. breadboards and equations (chuckle, chuckle).ย  Very different labour to Jenson, but still absolutely beautiful.ย  Thank you for sharing and for allowing me to be with you both. Love to you all, Kxxx P.S. You have put June for the 14th not July! (oops)

  4. Taslimd

    Love your birth story!! I know the feeling of being is loads of pain and then them telling you that you are a grand total of, in my case, 1 cm dilated!! I was all “but but…!!” Happy Birthday to Burton!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. actuallymummy

    OMG that’s one epic marathon. Hats off to you for going through such a long labour and not ending up in a C section. Thanks for linking ๐Ÿ™‚

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