1. I’d love to win the My Carry Potty – Squeaky is heading rapidly towards showing signs of needing potty training& I don’t know where to start!

    @meedja on twitter

  2. Amanda Cottingham

    Hi my name is Amanda @gidders1
    I would LOVE to win a pourty potty. Just about to start so really need the advice! Thank you

  3. Oh great round up, we’re starting to think about PT now as well eek!!

    I’d love to win the Cosy Fit Training Pants


  4. Laurafinch84

    Hi I’m @lozzi84 & I’m smack in the middle of potty training. Would love to win the My Carry Potty.

  5. I’m @sanity4mummy and we’ve just aborted our first potty training attempt!  I’d like to win a My Carry Potty for my little boy please. 

  6. jessies_online

    we’ve not started with the potty training yet, putting it off for as long as possible.
    I would like to win the My Carry Potty please

  7. I’m a long way off potty training as I’m not even half way through my pregnancy yet but the thought alone fills me with dread!  Thanks so much to yourself and everyone involved in this, I’ve bookmarked this page and think it’ll be a life saver when the time comes!

    Would love to be entered for the My Carry Potty & have tweeted (@milkpetal) x

  8. Hi. I’d love the My Carry Potty, please. My daughter’s just in the process of potty training herself, and it’s awkward carrying an ordinary potty around with us.

  9. I’m just about to start potty training so I don’t really mind (although if I won My Carry Potty I would be thrilled).  A really great idead Jenny and Emma – superb thanks for all the info xx

  10. Di Coke

    What a great idea, loads of useful information here! I would like to win a Pourty please! @superluckydi

  11. Di Coke

    …and please pop me in the draw for a My Carry Potty too! @superluckydi:twitter 

  12. Di Coke

    …and could I enter to win the Training Pants too? Thankyou! @superluckydi 

  13. clareandtribe

    would love to win the dry like me pads – we are getting there with the potty training but still have the dreaded night time training to come :/

    @clareandtribe on twitter x

  14. FionaMartin

    I would love to win the My Carry potty for my little boy.


    stasr r100x

  15. FionaMartin

    And these Dry Like Me Pads would be fab for my daughter who’s still strugging with nighttimes


  16. Hiya,
    I’m buttonf1fan on twitter. Struggling with potty training, Jen could train, and some days hes a big boy, other days its all nappies. 🙁

  17. michele.elton

    I am glitterbaby40 on twitter and I would love to win the My Carry Potty please – this would be great for travelling on the bus with my daughter – thanks xx

  18. It May be a bit late now but after 2 boys, my advice would be to not to use undies our pants and they feel to much like a nappy and makes boys (espically lazy one’s like mine) realise that their tinkle’s are filling up with wee!! The only problem is now at 6 yrs old the eldest one will not wear undies ( luckly we have managed to persuade him to wear them for school)!!

  19. My Will was 3 when I potty trained him too. I actually cried with happiness the first time he went in the potty. He could hold it from the time he got up in the morning till a diaper and nap time and then again until I put a nighttime diaper on. It was definitely a hard job to tackle. But gummy bears when he went was the one thing that finally did the trick. It felt like he would never quit asking for them for a while afterwards, but he did within a month or two. Good luck! You can do it :-). 

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