1. Mcai7td3

    Haha aw his angry face is very cute! My niece is going through this at the moment. Everything is “Noooooooo!” and then in an instant she can be fine again and pure sweetness. The worst is when she throws herself on the floor and tries to kick the floor repeatedly. I hope its a very short phase!

  2. caro_mad

    Bless him, his little angry face is too cute – no surprise you can’t be mad at him. I know already that Amy will have this effect on me. Not good LOL xxx

  3. Commiserations. Some days we get caught in a vicious shoe circle and never manage to even leave the house. That is to say, I put Ali’s shoes on, then she takes them off while I’m putting mine on, so I put hers back on again and turn to get Ana’s shoes, and off go Ali’s shoes once more, followed by Ana lighting something on fire, etc…

  4. Jennypaulin

    Lol it’s never ending some days isn’t it? 🙂 thanks for your comment x

  5. Some of that sounds very familiar. We had a hissy fit today because I gave him the wrong colour Opal Fruit. Yesterday I lifted him out of his car seat and he decided he wanted to get out himself, so I had to let him climb back in and back out again.

    (We also have that Toy Story tent, btw. Does yours end up on its side and on the other side of the room within minutes? Or is that just my wild kids?)

  6. Jennypaulin

    Oh we had the carseat saga last week!! Getter!
    Yes that play tent ends up in all manner of positions now so its not just your wild kids 🙂

  7. He is just adorable even with his grumpy face!!! Keeping ahead of the game helped me..but it dosen’t stop! My girls are 10 & 13 and owe the teenage fun is really just beginning!! Another whole new ball game Jenny. Nice to meet another Devon blogger!

  8. Jennypaulin

    Hello fellow Devon blogger 🙂
    Yes teenage years I am also dreading although maybe girls have the edge on boys there!
    Thanks for commenting and I look forward to tweeting with you x

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