1. emsyjo

    We’ve hit the terrible twos, although he’s not yet 2 (really hoping they don’t get worse!) Maybe Jenson will seem easier as you’ll be an expert by then 😉

  2. Jennypaulin

    Burton isn’t two until July and we have had signs for past couple of months 🙁 boo! Xx

  3. Jennypaulin

    Burton isn’t two until July and we have had signs for past couple of months 🙁 boo! Xx

  4. I’ve noticed this is creeping up on us too with my LO. She started to have a tantrum this afternoon because we wouldn’t open the back gate of all things! At the moment I’m using Peppa Pig as a good distraction for tantrums but dreading the ones that happen outside the home! hope the TT’s don’t last long. x

  5. LincolnAndMe

    Lol great ode! Lincoln is at the terrible 2’s too. It’s starting to drive me to dispair!! Any tips? Xxx

  6. Jennypaulin

    Ha ha I was hoping for people to give me some tips! If I wasn’t breastfeeding maybe wine wold be a good tip – you could try it lol x

  7. I remember my son suddenly hated being woken up from afternoon nap. They just get to a stage when they want to be themselves and the only way of expressing it is screaming. Do you think some of the naughtiness could be about having to share you?

  8. Jennypaulin

    Hi! I think some of his playing up is partly connected with sharing me, but he was showing signs before Jenson was born so who nows?! Just hope they soon pass
    Thank you for your comment x

  9. @somethingblue_2

    A fab poem – captures the frustration of the terrible twos perfectly.

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