1. Alexa tyler-scott

    I have those moments a lot more often than I’d care to
    admit. Sleep deprivation is usually the main cause!!
    Next time it happens, don’t feel so bad, you’re really not
    The only one xx

  2. Jennypaulin

    I think we all have them. I don’t admit to them very often for fear of being seen as a terrible mummy!
    Thank you for your comment xx

  3. jessies_online

     You are not a terrible Mummy, you are normal, we all have our bad days….some of us more than others. I’m sure you are doing a great job, just like everyone tells you.

  4. emsyjo

    I think you are doing an amazing job, I struggle so often with Leo and often think I could never cope with two. Don’t beat yourself up about anything like that – you are a brilliant Mum.

  5. We all have bad days hun, days where we want to snap, you are only human.  Like you said I am sure he has forgotten about it already.  Hugs to you, I am having one of those days myself.  Mads is poorly and won’t stop crying- its so hard to know what to do and it makes you question your skills as a mother xx

  6. Jennypaulin

    It does make you question yourself doesn’t it? I know I am not alone, but it doesn’t help withnthe guilt I have when I do it!
    I hope your Mads soon feels better xx

  7. Jennypaulin

    I know we all get off days. It’s just horrible when I snap, makes me feel so mean xx

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