1. Hahaha…Brilliant! We dressed up as st trinians on our last day, got hauled in to the heads office who told us we looked like a bunch of whores! Good grief…I nearly fell over as I didnt think we looked that bad, lol.
    Great photo…old school ones are the best! x

  2. Jillcook27a

    nice picture i would die if a school photo of me was around its been so long lol

  3. Inside the Wendy House

    Last day of school was always such a crazy time…but egg in your hair…yuck!!

  4. I love looking at your FF posts as we are the same age so it has just reminded me of my last day at school. I have tonnes of photos like this too 🙂

    Did you do the ‘signing school shirts’ thing too?


  5. Jennypaulin

    No we didn’t do the shirt signing thing we pinched some school blank text books and got everyone to fill those in instead. Still have mine at my mums! X

  6. Jennypaulin

    Lol you whore you! Any pictures you can put up for flashback Friday?? 🙂 x

  7. cafebebe

    I love these School Leaving photos! I don’t think I have anything from that time of my life. If I do, it’s in a box in America somewhere! Thanks so much for linking up again lovely! 😉


  8. Why do boys do that? do they think it’s funny? Is it a desperate ‘pulling a bird’ trick?
    Great flashback and nice to hear you’re still in touch with a few girls, I have reconnected with a few mates through Facebook and we’ve met up to, nice to swop news after 25 years or so

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