1. cafebebe

    OMG! I love it! Last summer, Little Miss carries around a DEAD little crabby in her hand for the longest time! Peee-uuuu! Not nice smelling. Eventually we convinced her to let it go back to it’s mummy! πŸ˜‰

  2. Jennypaulin

    Yes he really enjoyed holding the crab and also a tiny fish! He also loved jumping in the rock pool! πŸ™‚

  3. AlexanderResidence

    Looks like a fab day out. We saw crabs yesterday, but in the pet fish shop. Kids were much more excited by them than by the fish. Brave Burton!

  4. SAHMlovingit

    Aw, that’s too cute! I used to love checking out rock pools when I was little xx

  5. Totally jealous. Such a gorgeous photo and I would LOVE to take my boys out to do stuff like this. πŸ™‚

  6. My oldest is 11 now and is still posing for photos with all manner of creatures in his hands. πŸ™‚ The crabs at Mudeford Quay have provided a ton of amusement for all three of my boys. :))

  7. AletheaHill

    Oh sweet! I had to enlarge your picture to see that teeny tiny little grab! B must have been very chuffed to be able to hold him!

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