1. Hannah

    I hate parma violets. why would anyone like eating pot pourri? Fuck.

    And you have reminded me of my love for candy lipsticks. And later on, push pops. Too many to mention! X

  2. Thomas had a drumstick today! Mr Ali from the corner shop keeps giving them to him when we go in. Needless to say, Thomas wants to go to the corner shop every day after nursery!

    Parma violets. Seriously, who ever thought they were a good idea?!

    Brilliant post 🙂 x

  3. Jennypaulin

    I cannot blame Thomas for wanting to vist that shop every day 🙂
    Parma violets are vile! However,someone doing this list put it as their 1st choice!!
    Thank you for commenting x

  4. Jennypaulin

    I know parma VIlE-olets! Grosses! However, someone doing this list put it as their 1st choice so someone enjoys eating pot pourri lol! I agree there were too many good sweets to choose from 🙂 x

  5. Jennypaulin

    I don’t think you are missing out on anything, they taste like perfume! Really bizarre! However, some people must like their taste!

  6. Katetakes5

    Oh I used to love Highland toffee! Had totally forgotten about it. (Also agree with your worst choice – can’t believe they appeared on anyones list!)

  7. AlexanderResidence

    OMG I had totally forgotten WHAM bars, they were THE post swimming treat at the leisure centre when we were kids.
    With oyu on sweetie necklaces too.

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