1. cafebebe

    Oooh! I love Uni photos! Such carefree times…loving the haircut as well. I went for one of those in the 90’s as well! 😉 Thanks for taking part in #FlashbackFriday again love…you’re a star! 😉


  2. What a Fab flashback! I had a hair cut similar to that…and I remember going to the pictures to watch Ghost with my Hubby…Wicked movie! x

  3. emsyjo

    I love old photos like this, even if they do make me feel old! I wish I could turn back the clock to nights like this for just one day!

  4. CherishedByMe

    What a fantastic memory. It sounds as though eventually you had a great time. 🙂

  5. Beadzoid

    Hahah great photo! My mum had the Demi-cut too (don’t worry she was youngish and trendy :))

    Looks like you were having a blast 🙂 x

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