1. I’m having trouble working out which one is you on the top pic too! I’m guessing the middle one……but it could be left????
    And you beat me again to the linky……….!!!

  2. Jennypaulin

    I am in the middle in first picture and on the right inthe cartoon one!
    And yesi beat you mwauh mwuah xx

  3. cafebebe

    Aren’t you all gorgeous! How funny! 😉 Thanks so much for sharing it with Flashback Friday lovely! 😉


  4. Lauren

    I love characitures! I had one done in Majorca but have no idea where it is now 🙁 It was really good too.

  5. How lovely to take your friend away when she so needed it AND to have such a great time. The cartoons seem to be all on one sheet? who got to keep it?

  6. Jennypaulin

    Hi! There are 3 separate sheets we just put them together for the photo. Mine is rolled up in the loft x

  7. Jennypaulin

    Hi! There are 3 separate sheets we just put them together for the photo. Mine is rolled up in the loft x

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